Pro. Sr. reg. Felix Lulu







避免漂流远离上帝, 要将锚抛于磐石。
Pro. Sr. reg. Felix Lulu

What's with Your Birthday?

Depends on individuals.So just doing this for fun, only for fun okay. & only for those who can read chinese, Sorry!

你想了解你的 生日密碼 嗎? 點一下下面的日期,會有意想不到的結果喔!

Pro. Sr. reg. Felix Lulu

1915年4月25日, 纽澳军团在快速的胜利,但是在土耳其兵士严密的防守下,这场战争陷入僵局达8个月之久,双方死伤都达数千人。

但是很多纽澳军团散退到埃及的队伍,都去过设立在开罗城外的基督教青年会的营地。驻会的牧师接待这些沮丧的年轻人并给予盼望。他带着理解和怜悯, 告诉他们:“痛苦使人改变,不是更好就是更糟。但是的经历,却几乎总能让人打开心房, 知道自己需要耶稣基督的救恩。在困境的背后是张开双手的上帝,每个陷入困境的人都被圈进上帝的膀臂中。上帝的最好证明就是耶稣的十字架”。



Pro. Sr. reg. Felix Lulu

今天下午1.00pm我参与我教会团契一项活动去到KL 其中一个小街observed a 基督组织 who organised a nice function派饭给那些homeless,drug abuse,poor ppl,流浪汉和外劳的人. B4 we give the food for those ppl, we hv a worship together to GOD and oso has some ppl presenting some God message for those non-christian ppl.

我在那里看到了很多不同的人,some ppl are just wait for get food from us,some ppl really wan to listen God words,someppl are just like to singging together but the most important is they are voluteer to come here join the worship and feel the LOVE!! i so surpised the organiser do this function since 1999 until now,so is 10 yrs liao leh... I hv think that why they hv that heart to do it?why they wont feel tired or disappoint? And what is the reason make them so sctive to organised this kind of function? I also hv imagine myself will just liked them or not, if i am one of member. I can say cannot and also can. reason is me sometime will feel tire and disappoint and think that why i need wate so much time to do it. If i give out then i also can do others things that i wan. Sometime i say can is because hv a amazing power that make me become hv more tension.

After that i got ask them the reason why they hv his heart until now. they told me that IF U JUST THINK ABOUT URSELF OR OTHERS PPL TO DO SOMETHING ON THEM, THEN WILL EASY FEEL DISAPPOINT AND TIRED coz we wont always 顺利 everytime de. and they success and teach us don wan think about urself and others ppl, we think about we do the job for our Jesus chirst. Then pray for he to give u love , tension, clever, healthy to help him to thing that good for everyone, not do the bad things on others ppl!! God is always with us and help us and protect us, HE has his best plan for our life when we admit to let God to manage out whole life and things. this is the message that i get from today.

God bless u all! Hope u guys also can know u 是为谁做呢?!!
Pro. Sr. reg. Felix Lulu

Every one can be a prayer during every seconds. The power of pray actually is strong and useful, but most of the people will think that it just a small power and sometime they will say pray is wasting their time. So that, they started don wan to pray and try to do the things that they wan. For example, playing computer game, shopping, go clubbing and etc.
Why i feel pray for each others is a job in a part of my life? the reason is because out God is really listen to our pray and he know what we need but not what we want! Sometime we just think about what we want and don care about what we need about. Human always always produce problem and waste when they always wan the things, coz some of things actually no useful for us.
I'm so great i have a good soulmate who always care bout me and we also will pray to each other when we meet the problem. Besides that, we help each other when we sad, angry, scare and stress. Maybe we stay at different places and cant always meet together but we still hv one things that we can do it. That is PRAY together!!
This few week i realised that some of my fren is getting sick and met accident, i oso dunno why! maybe is because of our Malaysia's air is serious polluted and the weather oso guai guai de... Furthermore, i oso hv think that is tat im shao ba xin coz my group members are masuk hospital and so soi i need to do their work by me one person. ALSO, I had 1 week just sleep 4 hours per day and i really need to rush the assign and pass up in time. Very lucky i finally finish the asign today in time ans i just hv 5 min jiu yao late pass up!! if i late to pass up after the time , then i will be minus 10 % over 30% in this assign.
Feel so good my soulmate is ok for her midterm exam, hope she can get a good result for it!!
Pro. Sr. reg. Felix Lulu
你是一个害羞的人. 当处在人多的场合时, 你便感觉不自在. 你常会觉得你身心不一. 或觉得自己生错了时代. 你实际上比你看起来要聪明很多. 但是, 你为了不想让别人知道这点, 所以你将自己的外表打扮成愚蠢模样. 你大概是属于深藏不露的人. 你有一颗可以容纳很多想法的‘心’ 可是也因为你有太多想法, 所以你的思绪常堵车 你拥有艺术方面的天分 你喜欢的音乐类型是: 描写爱情、 为爱情伤心、失恋的歌 你喜欢的电影: 铁达尼号 总有一些时候, 你宁可待在家里享受一个人的自在也不愿去面一些讨厌的人们 看来丘比特曾经开过你一场玩笑! 有人曾伤过你的心! 在你童年的时候, 你的父母常吵架. 你有过去刺青的念头

雄心勃勃,意志堅強的你,拒絕做泛泛之輩。成功的經驗,有助於你的自我成長。 過人的勇氣,養成你不畏艱難的本性,遇事不達目標絕不中止。對未來,總是抱持樂觀態度,最愛聽別人的讚語。但面對批評時,驕傲的本性就展露無遺,只是如果所言屬實,還是會自我反省。 愛情方面,你的熱情如火。碰到意中人,很容易燃起愛苗,進入熱戀。你對伴侶的要求很高,但也能發揮排山倒海的精神,滿足對方。

Pro. Sr. reg. Felix Lulu

Golden Retriever

You love yo hang out with your friends and family. You have a mellow mood, but your not afraid to go and have fun. Many people like you because of your sweet spunky personality!

I try to play one quiz about what type of dog that i am, then i so happy i am Golden Retriever. The result also really same as my style leh... but i more pug coz i feel pug look very special and cute coz i had a pug puppy b4 but it gone already. i think had ppl curi it coz it very cute and clever, i very good wif my puppy, it just liked my daugther..hehe^^

Pro. Sr. reg. Felix Lulu
現在幾點: 5.25pm
你的全名: 卢成贤
你現在正在聽誰的歌: 我没有规定喜欢听谁的歌,因为我比较喜欢听音乐

你在哪裡讀書(工作): Taylor's College Petaling Jaya
你最後吃的一樣東西是什麼: I not rmb liao..coz i eat a lot.
現在天氣如何: 蓝天+白云
戴隱形眼鏡嗎: 没有
上一次生日蛋糕上蠟燭的數目: 1
你通常吹熄這些蠟燭的日期: 12月05
你家養過什麼: Dogs, Cats, Fish, Ducks, Chickens, Hamster, Rabbits
兄弟姊妹跟他們的年紀: 大哥6,二哥3,三哥1
眼珠顏色: 黑色 with ab bit brown color
耳朵有幾個耳洞: 没有。。因为超帕痛
有刺青嗎: 当然没有
喜歡你目前的生活嗎: 喜歡
but smtime feel vry stress
出生地: Bintulu, Sarawak
喝過酒嗎: Have!! I like it but not drink much la..^^
覺得自己花心嗎: no gua.. but i feel my heart just pretty liked flower
曾經出過車禍嗎: choi..当然没有咯
暗戀過人嗎: 应该是有吧。。
不敢跟人告白嗎: 不敢,我是害羞的人...
喜歡吃啥麼東西: 只要好吃都喜歡...
喜歡喝什麼: Fresh fruit juice
最喜歡的顏色: pink, black, white, apple green, important must hv nice design la

喜歡看哪一種的電影: 搞笑的, 梦幻, 有内容的
最喜歡的卡通人物或品牌: no leh...if it look nice then i like it lo..
最懷念的日子: 中学时期
最傷心的日子:Cannot rmb liao...
最喜欢的花: 荷花,rose coz we can use it for 泡澡
最怕遇到的人: 背叛我的人,没礼貌的人,不守信用的人
喜歡的運動: 不喜欢運動啦...^^lazy but i like do dessert
喜歡的冰淇淋種纇: chocolate mints
最怕什麼東西: Frog, 壁虎
喜歡看的電視台: 好看的 咯
討厭做的事: 无知的事,浪费时间的事,做无意义的事
討厭別人做什麼: 'lanc', 伤害自己的人,
擅長的事: 睡觉
上次上醫院是什麼時候: last year 九月..因为被黑斑蚊叮..
以後想做什麼職業:i dunno...need to see the marketing first
你覺得自己十年後會在哪裡: 还在这个世界吧
無聊的時候你大多做些什麼: 上网find fren chat,睡觉,听歌
世上最惱人的事 : 学业。。
全世界最好的事: I can reach this world and believe Jesus

目前有男(女)友嗎: 没有
沒把握的事情態度如何: 不会去做
如果有人誤會你,你会: 和他解释,想知道原因咯
要怎麼對付你討厭的人: 不会不理他们啦,只是会比较冷漠
你認為你的另一半幫你付錢是理所當然的嗎: 不!要看情况,因为我的钱就是她的钱,他的钱就是我 的钱
現在心裡最想念的人是誰: 父母

今天心情好嗎: 还好
有想過要自殺嗎: 没有
Tag: Tommy
現在幾點: 6.11 pm