今天我计划要去UM讨论关于我牙齿的一些问题,所以就booking 10am 找我的朋友,她是一位牙医。早上我就早早的准备要去我该去的地方,大概是八点多左右我已经在巴士站等了。干开始心情还没什么变化,但过了两个小时多巴士还是没来,这时候我情绪开始有点烦躁,心里一直不断的碎碎念那臭巴士为什么到现在都没到!然后我开始想放弃等巴士了,想跟我的朋友说我没办法到她那里,但我的脑又告诉我必须要忍耐不可轻易就放弃,所以在这一小段的时间我也挣扎了一下,又气又烦又急又不懂该选择什么!!最总我还是等到了巴士,也花了我不少的光阴啊!
到了医院, 医生跟我说我必须开刀把我牙龈里面的牙齿给拔出来,之后再种牙,总额是RM3500++! 我本身是无所谓啦,所以我也跟医生说我想种牙,只要我有个美丽的牙齿就很好了,但是我问了我那伟大的妈妈,她叫我不要那么快就开刀,因为会引向我的学业和我的别的牙齿会跑位,因为我有绑过牙,还没21岁都最好别去动它。我妈妈建议我继续戴假牙,所以我放弃开刀的念头咯!
当我回到家就开始online lo..and check my friendster's photo comment,play games and chatting with my friends. I had chat with my fren who name chun mei, during chatting i also ask some ques and need she tell me the truth. It was because last few day she sudden tell me has one of my fren(boy) who like me and hv that special feeling on me, then that fren is my best friend leh..!! I really feel 'guai guai' de , how come he will like me!! But i think why chun mei will know this news, coz that boy ask me don tell anyone and only he and me know this things. So, i distrust has someone play a trick on me, then this noon i ask chun mei why she know and is that is she play trick on me? Finally, she admit that! During that time i feel no so good why i will play trick by my best fren and is tat i am a person who ppl don't like?!! Then, my mood is a bit disappointant!! Suddenly i hv got one idea to play trick back to my good friend! My idea is I pretend feel very angry and direct don wan chat with she,sign out my MSN and don't wan ans her call and reply back SMS. Because i also wan her worry about this thing for a few day!! After that, I not angry again and now feel happy hehehehehe........
So, today我的心情有大生气,烦躁,无奈,紧张,小生气,开心,失望,不懂如何做选择, 累,。。。。
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