Pro. Sr. reg. Felix Lulu

I study Quantity Surveying since 2 year from 2008 and I also like to read and see the design of the building around me and the catalog. My 2nd bro is an architect and both of for touching for the construction part. Besides that, today I just realize that I miss out important things in design and system of building and society. What are the things that I was miss out? Before of today in my mind never think about for the 残障人士。What they will think for their self, I never know and never will spend time to think what they are thinking for. Sometime I will feel hard to close with they and just friend with they liked I with my normal friends in college, office, church and hometown friends. I just think they are just need money, food, shirt support only.

Actually what is残障人士 really need from us? From today I just got it the most they need is we and the society can give them chances together serve ppl, have chances get a job and to buy their need, and they need all of us think they are just same with us liked normal ppl even though they hv some different physical look. I really thank God give me had this chance to know about it and totally changing my concept, thank you God do miracle in my life. 耶稣是公义,怜悯,慈爱,能赦罪的,他对待每一个人是从不偏心的,我知道他是特别的爱我的!


Lastly, I have 1 new vision in my construction part, the construction design and construction system must design for 有缺陷的人 first, the things that can be used by 有缺陷的人 , the normal healthy ppl also can used, but some things that used by normal ppl, 有缺陷的人cannot use!

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